For me the Raven is the messenger from the Spirit World. She reminds you that transformation comes from facing and accepting your Shadow Self, releasing what is holding you back and understanding the inevitability of life, death and rebirth (whether it be spiritual or physical).
The Pentagram is a symbol of the 5 Elements. Spirit, Air, Earth, Water and Fire (one for each point), and the circle (the universe) contains and connects them all.
This sacred symbol has been adopted by various cultures and religious/spiritual groups, being used in all manner of ritual. It is also very protective.
This stunning Raven & Pentagram Pendant is made from Sterling Silver.
Measurements: 45x23mm
Comes in a jewellery box.
Also seen with Pentagram Stud Earrings (sold separately)
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International customers: if actual shipping & insurance costs are less than what you are charged, you will be refunded the difference (minus any fees that may be charged).